It was 10:00pm when Dell was roused from his nap with ringing of the prisoner call buzzer. Taking a few seconds to get his bearings, Dell ambled to the rear of the jail to see what Lila needed, “Probably had to use the can,” he thought. When he got there, she was standing by the cell door with a towel in her hands. “Deputy,” she asked, “would it be okay if I took a shower, I know that I’m not due for one until tomorrow, but I feel really grimy, and it’s Christmas, and I kinda hoped you could make an exception.” Dell knew the prisoners weren’t suppose to be in the shower unless there were at least two officers in the facility at the same time, but well, this was Christmas, and he hadn’t gotten one call all day, so what harm could it do? Unlocking the cell door, he replied, “Yeah, I guess that would be all right, it’s pretty slow out here anyway!” He led the way to the communal shower room and waited outside while she went in by herself. Pretty soon her heard the spray of water and feeling of dampness permeate the air as steam poured out of the warm shower room into the cool hallway. Lila called out, “Thanks for letting me clean up deputy, I really appreciate it!” Before he could reply, he heard a loud thud and a low groan come from the shower room. He ran into the steam filled room yelling, “Are you all right, did you fall!?!” When he found her, she was lying on her back, and hold her ankle. Dell turned off the water and helped Lila to her feet. This was the first time he had ever seen her naked, and to say she was a stunner would have been an understatement! Her full chest had large prominent nipples, and her fully exposed pussy had a thick growth of black pubic hair that tried in vain to hide her full cunt lips. She put her arm around his shoulder and hobbled over to a bench that was up against the far wall. After sitting down she rubbed her leg and asked Dell to see if he thought it was broken. Having lifted her injured leg up onto the bench, Lila’s pussy was wide open and slightly agape. While Dell nervously checked her swollen ankle for any sign of a break, Lila casually dropped her hand to her pussy and calmly began fingering herself! Dell stood up and started to leave, mumbling something about getting her a towel, but she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back to her. “Not so fast deputy,” she said in a husky voice, “it’s been three months since I’ve had a cock, and I can’t think of a better Christmas present than this!” At that moment Dell couldn’t really tell who was in charge, because his hard prick was buried in the throat of the hot little cocksucker! While she sucked on it, she looked up at him with that pretty face, looking all the world like an angel, but totally obscene with his thick dick in her mouth! Through clenched teeth he groaned and said, “I’m gonna shoot it in your mouth baby, I can’t hold back in longer!!!” Upon hearing how turned on he was, Lila took his balls in her hand and gently squeezed them, as if trying to force his cum into her waiting mouth. She didn’t have to wait long, because seconds later her mouth and throat were flooded with what seemed like gallons of hot sticky cum! Greedily she tried to swallow every drop of the precious liquid, taking care to make sure got every drop!
After blowing his load, Dell’s first inclination was to get the hell out of there!!! If he got caughtdoing the “nasty” with an inmate, well, let me tell you that he would have about as much chance keeping his job, as a candle staying lit in a hurricane! But of course, he didn’t leave, because as is the case with most men, Dell included, they think with their dicks, not with their brains, so when Lila spread her legs and flashed her gorgeous snatch, Dell did the thing any red blooded American male would do, he got down on his knees and ate her pussy for all he was worth! He had always wondered what kind of body Lila had hidden under her prison issue, and now that he had a chance to partake of its many wonderful features, he couldn’t pull himself away from it! He just about had Lila on the verge of a hard climax when from doorway came words that cut him like a bull whip! “What the fuck is going on here,” an obviously agitated Donna Winston exclaimed!?!Fumbling with his zipper, Dell leaped to his feet and cried, “Jesus, Mrs. W, well, I was just, I mean, well.......” “I think I can see exactly what you were doing,” retorted Donna acidly! “Now the question is,” she continued, “what are we going to do about it!?!”
Dell, turning a bright shade of crimson, tried to hide his embarrassment, but to no avail! Donna walked over to the still seated Lila and spat, “And you, you little tramp, I suppose you’re going to tell me that you didn’t have anything to do with this!!!” Before Lila could respond, Donna Winston took her finger and savagely jammed it into Lila’s wet cunt. She probably expected her to act hurt, but was surprised, as was Dell, when instead her head rolled from side to side and a guttural moan escaped her lips! “Jesus H Christ,” Lila exclaimed, “the little slut’s ready to blow her cookies!!!” Now grinding her finger hard into Lila’s dripping vagina, Donna Winston berated the young prisoner with a vicious tongue lashing! Sweat had popped out from Donna’s forehead, and Dell was getting the sneaking suspicion that she was getting sexually aroused! It was clear that Lila was now in the onset of a huge orgasm, and the verbal abuse coupled with Donna’s fingering were taking its toll! When her clit finally reached its climax, Lila screamed in wild delirium as her cunt muscles contracted around Donna’s finger! Forgetting who was watching, Donna put her juice cover fingers to her lips and licked them clean. Seeing this was all the cue that Lila needed, so she reached out and put her hand up Donna’s skirt and headed straight for her pussy! Donna teetered unsteadily, squirming from side to side while Lila worked her fingers inside of Donna’s panties. Lila hadn’t said a word since Donna had come into the shower room, but when her finger encountered and absolutely drenched pussy, she said, “Call me a tramp, you hot pussied bitch, you’re so wet you could put out a forest fire with it!!!” Lila then looked at Dell, who had since retreated to the corner to watch the lezzie fuckfest, and ordered, “Take off her clothes, I think she needs a good fucking!!!” Dell started to protest, but Lila cut him off and threatened to tell the sheriff about their little escapade if he didn’t do as he was told. Donna, through clenched teeth, said it was all right, and to go ahead and do it! Dell shrugged his shoulders, and proceeded to strip the sheriff’s wife of every last stitch of clothing!
Donna Winston was about forty five years old, but she still had a pretty nice body for someone her age. Her big tits sagged a bit, but after all, she had give birth to three children, so that was to be expected. Lila continued fingering Donna’s cunt, and told Dell to have a feel. “Not as tight as mine, but not bad,” she said laughing, while taking Dell’s hand and shoving it into Donna’s dripping slit. Lila looked up at Donna and asked her, “Well bitch, what’s it gonna be, my mouth, or his cock, take your pick!!!” Donna could barely speak due to the fact that Dell was doing a number on her hard little clit, but she did manage to mouth the word “cock”, between her moaning and groaning. “Its the cock,” announced Lila, “take off those pants so Donna can get her meat! With his pants and shorts around his ankles, Lila had him sit down on the bench next to her. His hard cock stood straight up, all seven inches hard and ready to go. Donna straddled his hips and slowly lowered her juicy cunt onto his hard erection. As each inch disappeared inside of her, her cunt had a series of extremely vicious orgasms, one after the other, each one more powerful than the one just before! When his cock was fully engulfed by her womanhood, his dick erupted its cum, filling the big cunt with a ton of his spunk! Lila was sucking one of Donna’s big tits, while using her finger on her clit, to bring herself to another climax! The mixture of sweat, steam, and cum made for an interesting aroma in the shower room!!!
Lila let Donna’s nipple fall from her mouth and thanked both Dell and Donna for a wonderful Christmas present and then continued, “I guess that’s a form of advanced “penology”!!!”